Monday, October 26, 2009

Lil Bro and Lil Sis

...a hoy!!
...i'm a bit busy with all the field works...and sure is nice to get a couple of days off..
...this is what i've been doin for this past few days..
...just missed my lil bro and lil sis...that what i would say since i'm the youngest in my family... it is good to have my sister's son and daughter's..
...layan diorg macam adik-adik ku...huuu...
...lame tak jumpe diorang nih...
...sonok gak eh ade adik-adik nih...leh buli-buli gak...eheee..
...pic taken by using my fon...then convert b&w...huu...
..just a little humble work from absolute beginner..
...oh ya..!!! my first sister will delivered her third child...hee...pray for her safety....
kena balik nih....,bosssssssssssssss....!!! nk Cuti~~
~till next~

footyfootball note: terbayiks dari liver malam tadi...sungguh seronok melihat MU kecundang...still a good day for chelsea after the lost last week...5-0...welcome back to Joe Cole...aha...Abg Apis suda angkut itu ps3...sedang membakar jiwa ku untuk pulang bermain PES2010...lagi skali...booosssssssss!!!! nk Cuti~

loveyheartnote: mish me lovey...tak dapat melawatnye lagi setelah kes kecurian hari tu...haih...mari kite bersama menjerit...bossssssssssssss~~~!!!! nk Cuti~~...
